Daily Archives: August 28, 2015

Vera, Car 54, and Inter Library Loans

VeraI have been watching a BBC series called Vera. We don’t have this particular series at our library, but that’s where Inter Library Loan (or ILL) comes in! At the Dover Public Library, we can pull from over two hundred twenty other libraries to find, request, and send to our library. This DVD series is based on the mystery books by the author Ann Cleeves. (Check out her books!)The setting is in Scotland, and anything Scotland related, I’m interested. The scenery is beautiful. The stories are great, and they keep you guessing. The Main character is DCI Vera Stanhope, a rude, abrupt, no nonsense older woman who has her own personal issues. But, she gets the job done. I would recommend this series for all mystery lovers. both the books and the DVD’s.

Car 54 First Season
Again with the Inter Library Loan, my husband and I were talking about TV shows that we watched when we were kids. One was Car 54 Where are You? I was able to get the first season from another library. If you remember this show, and the character who made a two word phrase famous, come to the front desk and ask for me. If you correctly say the phrase, I will give you a little gift. The first one who answers correctly wins!


Thanks for reading this little blog, and remember, we are here for you and your favorite books, TV shows, and more, at Dover Public Library.


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