A Day in the Life

Library Linda says Fabulous Dover Public Library Books on WheelsWhat are you doing in that “tiny room” by the back door?

I’m Linda Toohey the Outreach Librarian and I’m asked that a lot. Big things happen in that” tiny room”. For instance, did you know that over 100 people throughout our community get items delivered right to their door?

Being the Outreach Librarian, I am responsible for making sure our homebound patrons are still able to make use of our library. I keep records of what each of these individuals like to read and maintain a reading list for them. I then select items for them. Whether they like books, CDs, DVDs or magazines, it doesn’t matter. Whatever is available in the library is also available to our homebound patrons as well. Then I check these items out for them and put them in a bag with their name on them. Then these bags get crated up for delivery. With the help of some very reliable volunteers we deliver these bags to the patrons and pick up what they are finished with. Everything then comes back to the library where I unload and check everything back in.

In my spare time, I also do research for entertaining and educational programs that I compose and present at the area care facilities and the Senior Center. So although you might not see a lot of me, I am doing a lot for the people of our community that can’t make it to the library.

Stop by to say “hi” and see the big things that happen in that “tiny room”!   

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