Monthly Archives: June 2015

The Great American Novel

You may have heard of authors attempting to write “The Great American Novel,” or TGAN.  My question is this: what exactly does that mean? I assume it refers to an author’s ability to capture the quintessential characteristics of the American story: capturing the American Dream; overcoming adversity; redemption; success.  If you ask many critics, The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitgzerald typically tops the list as the top candidate for TGAN. But not so fast…

Great American NovelLet me say that thirteen days ago I was playing basketball with our boys and I tore my Achilles tendon (wearing black, leather dress shoes no less).  Tomorrow I have surgery to repair the tear and Dr. Teater has estimated a few weeks off of work and months of recovery.  Let me say this is not an easy thing for me. I always have somewhere to go and I am involved in so much.  Perhaps this is God’s way of telling me to take it down a notch.  At any rate, I will have lots of time to discover TGAN.  Here is my list of candidates:

  • The Great American Novel, by Philip Roth
  • The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
  • Gone with the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell
  • To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
  • Winesburg, Ohio, by Sherwood Anderson
  • Lonesome Dove, by Larry McMurtry
  • The Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara

Here is why these titles made my list.  Has it stood the test of time and does it capture the essence of what being an American is all bout?  Time will tell.  Let the reading begin!

-Jim Gill, Director

The Man Behind the Private Eye




Join us on Saturday, July 11 at 2:00 PM for an afternoon with mystery writer Andrew Welsh-Huggins. He’ll discuss his latest book, Slow Burn, his Andy Hayes mystery series, and take a fun look at the writing life. Welsh-Huggins is a graduate of Kenyon College and is a legal affairs reporter for the Associated Press in Columbus. A book signing will follow this program. Call 330-343-6123 to register.


Everyday Heroes

Super Mortimer CertifiedSummer is here and Dover Public Library is in full swing with our Summer Reading Program. This year we’re discovering what makes a HERO.

I was giving this some thought as I was riding on the lawn mower the other day.

We have heroes in our family, at our workplace, or church. We have heroes that we root for in our favorite book, too.

You might be someone’s hero. We never know who is looking at us, from a small child, teenager, or parent. You can use any moment in time to teach a lesson, reach out a helping hand, or be a listening ear.

Our Summer Reading Program is sharing about the many heroes we have in our community. From police, to fire persons, doctors and even librarians.

Liz, our Teen Librarian is a hero to me. She is always so helpful to me and others. She always has time to answer my crazy questions. She gives me great book suggestions. She is never too busy to help me. She even helps me with this blog thing.

Our Dover Public Library is full of heroes and led by one as well. Jim is a great Director. He keeps us on our toes, challenges us to try new things, and supports us to continue our education and develop our hobbies into new and engaging programs at the library.

We’re incredibly lucky to have such an amazing staff of helpful heroes. This summer, be a hero to someone in your life and help us prove that not all super heroes wear capes.


Helen Keller

Have a Super Summer!

-Denise, Adult Services