Monthly Archives: April 2017

Liz’s Library Jargon Glossary

Hello, Patrons! Ever start talking to one of us here at the library and get the sense that we’re actually speaking a different language? Well, here are some commonly used Librarian phrases and their meanings.

  1. Patron: (n) A person who uses the library. AKA: You! Other libraries also use the words “Customer” or “User.” We prefer “Patron” because without your support, or patronage, we wouldn’t have a Library to begin with.
  2. Processing: (v) The task of getting items ready to be checked out. This includes adding labels, bar-codes, and stamps to the materials and putting the record in the system.
  3. Polaris: (n) Our computer system. It houses all of our records for every item we circulate and all of our patrons. (No wonder we get stressed out when “Polaris” goes down!)
  4. ILL: Inter-Library-Loan; (v) the process of borrowing a book from a different library. We contact the other library, check it out (as if we were a patron), have it sent to us, add it temporarily to Polaris, then call the Patron who requested it. (n) An item that has been obtained from another library. Learn More.
  5. Weeding: (v) The process of removing books that are outdated, no longer circulate, or are in bad shape from the library shelves. No, we are not working outside. But just as a successful garden requires weeding, so does a successful library.

What other words or phrases have you heard us use at the Library?


-Liz Strauss

Teen Librarian

A Day in the Life…

Ever wonder what we do all day? Here’s an inside look at what being a Library Assistant here at Dover Public Library is all about. 


Syrena and Dani at the Story Walk

Syrena and Children’s Librarian Dani at the StoryWalk(r) at Dover City Park

Name: Syrena Troyer

Job Title: Library Assistant


12:30 – 1:30 PM

Cover the Desk for the morning shift’s lunch break. Check patrons out. Check returned items in. Shelve (put away) items that have been returned and checked in.


2:00 – 3:00 PM

Cover the Desk. Help patrons.  Process new DVDs. This means putting a record in the computer system and adding labels and a bar-code to the case. Check the Book Drop in the back for books that need checked in and delivered to the Adult Department.


3:00 – 4:00 PM

Cover the Desk. Help patrons. Shelve books. Check in returned items. Check the Book Drop.


4:00 – 5:00 PM



5:00 – 7:00 PM

Cover the Desk. Help patrons.  Check in returned items. Check the Book Drops. Shelve all materials that were checked in.



7:00 – 8:00 PM

Work on changing some of our Graphic Novels from Fiction to Non-fiction. Change the labels on said Graphic Novels. Check out and assist patrons. Perform Closing Procedures