The benefit of book clubs…

I have always beeB.Y.O.B.: A New Type of Book Clubn one of those readers who rereads favorite books. For those most part, every book I read is one I would consider rereading, and I have100 Book Club Logo occasionally finished a book only to immediately restart it. I find that I pick up on more the second (or third, or fourth…) time around, especially when it comes to the humor in a book. Sometimes, you just can’t appreciate all the puns and foreshadowing until you actually know what happens. Basically, I love rereading books.

That being said, rereading has led me into major reading ruts and slumps. I’ll stand there, looking at my bookshelf of usual choices and think, “Maybe I’ll read Harry Potter again. Nah…what about ‘Salem’s Lot. Eh, just not in the mood for that either. Jane Austen? Grrrr!” Frustration ensues. At times like this, I miss being in school, where at least I was told a few new books to read each semester. Even if I didn’t always like them, at least I was reading something new.


Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle LogoI’ll admit, I always considered myself someone who could pick my own books and who wasn’t interested in reading books because someone else told me to. Tuesday Night Book Club1 copyIn reality, though, a little guidance is sometimes really helpful! Enter book clubs. I’ve only started getting into book clubs this year. As I said, in theory I dislike <em>having</em> to read a book that I didn’t necessarily choose myself. Fortunately, we have a variety of different types of book groups here at the library. From our traditional CLSC and Tuesday Night book clubs to the new B.Y.O.B., where I choose a book within a specific theme, to the 100 book club where the only rule is no rereading, there really is something for every reader. Participating in a book club gives me the guidance and incentive to broaden my reading horizons, and I haven’t had a bad experience yet. Instead, I’ve had a chance to discover some new titles that I <em>never</em> would have picked up on my own, but loved just the same. I still love rereading books–now I just have more titles to pick from. 🙂

-Kathryn, Adult Services



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