World Travel from Home

The day was Wednesday, March 11, 2020. I was at New Dawn Retirement Center getting ready to present one of my travel programs about Italy, when the activities assistant came up to me to inform me that they would not be allowing visitors until further notice. Since I was already there and set up I was allowed to go ahead with my presentation. That is when the severity of this Covid-19 Corona Virus really set in.

When I got back to the library I was told by one of the Outreach Department’s volunteers that Hennis Care Centre also was implementing a no visitor policy. I knew then it was just a matter of time before all of the care facilities would be closing down to visitors. Since the majority of my job as the Outreach Librarian centers around these facilities, I knew things were going to be changing.

Before I left for the day, I was informed that the Outreach Department would be shut down until at least the 1st of April. 

On Monday the 16th we had a meeting at the library and were notified by our director Jim Gill that the entire library would be temporarily closing. Since I knew that we could not make any deliveries nor do any programs, so I asked if I could work from home. The managers and a few of the rest of us would be doing the same.

My new office has a great view!

This is something that I have embraced.

Some of you may not be aware but, I do travel programs at all of the care facilities and the Senior Center. I put together the PowerPoint programs myself, doing all of my own research. This is something that takes some time.

Now it appears that I have an abundance of time.

Normally I make one new program every month. So far I have been able to finish the program about Canada, create a new one for Fiji and start one for Peru, and today is April 10th. Since we’ve been shut down, I’ve also learned how to record PowerPoint presentations, so everyone can see my Madagascar presentation on YouTube! I have also been giving Liz Strauss, my supervisor, daily fun facts about different countries for her to post on Facebook. That has really been fun. 

We have since then been told we will be shut down through April. Oh, to think of all that I can accomplish between now and then!

This disease has affected all of us in some way or another. We may not be able to go shopping or have coffee with a friend, or visit our loved ones, but what we can do is make the best out of a bad situation. I hope that you are all able to get something positive out of the changes that have been happening around us.

I know that I have. 

-Linda Toohey, Outreach Librarian

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