Daily Archives: June 25, 2021

Creativity: Taught by John Cleese

We can all be more creative. John Cleese shows us how in his book Creativity – A Short and Cheerful Guide. Who is John Cleese? He is a scriptwriter and performer who co-founded the Monty Python comedy troupe. He has appeared in many films, including, A Fish Called Wanda, James Bond, Harry Potter and various TV shows.

Everyone is creative. It’s a skill that anyone can acquire. Cleese shares insights into the nature of the creative process. 

  • What do you need to get yourself in the right frame of mind?
  • When do you know that your idea is worth pursuing?
  • What to do if you have hit a brick wall?

Everyone is creative, including scientists, athletes, medical people, business people, basically all professions and people in all walks of life. You might think that creativity is only a gift for artists, writers, musicians, designers, illustrators etc. “There’s a myth that creativity is something you have to be born with. This isn’t the case. Anyone can be creative.”

This book is a quick read and explains how to get your juices flowing. Maybe we need to learn how to play again, or to think outside the box. Creativity is a frame of mind. It is also a process. We can all acquire this skill. 

Let John Cleese help you make that leap.

-Jan Ridenour, Library Assistant, Technical Services